In this phase, we sit down with you and learn what your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are concerning your particular project. We ask lots of questions. We review any existing architectural plans you might have and develop an overall plan of action.
McLean Homes begins the development process by gathering as many measurements as possible for your particular project. Our staff will review the plan for compliance with adopted city codes, design review requirements, and any approved site plan conditions of approval. At this stage, if needed, we will also meet with your insurance adjuster at the job site (either with you or without you if you are unable to be there because of work commitments, etc.) to help you negotiate a fair settlement.
After site evaluation and plan development, McLean Homes will work with you to stay within your budget while keeping in line with your original vision. We pride ourselves on finding creative and cost-effective ways to make the most of your budget, and assure clients that we will give them an accurate assessment of what they can expect during the building process.